High Mountain Designs
High Mountain Designs
(276) 237-2663
4838 Fries Rd, Galax, VA
High Mountain Designs is committed to building well-designed and optimized web sites for our clients. Since most first-time and many return visits come via relevent search results, we want you to be found at the highest search engine results position possible.
Many of the sites on the web today have taken months to be indexed by Google, MSN, and Yahoo and many more will never be high enough in the results to be of any help to the owners. Don't get me wrong, not everyone can be number 1, but there are things that can be done to help. Many times the problem is just general sloppiness, and the "don't care as long as I get paid for it " attitude of many so-called professionals as well as beginners. The idea of "optimization" has been largely ignored by some when first building a site because of the time it takes to be sure you have everything right. There is no secret or magic to web promotion, it's just taking the time to do what should be done before the new site ever goes up, and then keeping up with changes in the search engines. Short of paid inclusions, paid keywords, and pay-per-click, there's no guarantee that any of the search sites and directories will include your site no matter what you do, and the paid method isn't entirely foolproof either.
Here at High Mountain Designs, we try to make the sites attractive and informative without a lot of "Flash", animations, ads, and pop-ups that tend to turn the search engines, customers, or both away. We want to provide internet marketing strategies to help your business succeed.
If you're in need of a site or need a non-productive site evaluated and are interested in my methods, please contact me. Copyright © 2006 - 2009 High Mountain Designs · All Rights Reserved
