Sayitontheweb, Incorporated
Sayitontheweb, Incorporated
(540) 353-5241
Roanoke, VA
SayItOnTheWeb makes it easy to grow and progress toward your goals by offering an endless range of custom dynamic internet programming, professional web site design, high speed hosting, and internet marketing services that effectively promote and streamline any company, organization, or cause. We are the e-commerce providers other web companies hire to create modern, custom shopping carts with incredible abilities quickly and efficiently.
Over the last 13+ years we have produced hundreds of satisfied customers in Southwestern Virginia and across the United States. Company's that combine our web site hosting, custom web site design, internet advertising, and dynamic internet programming services see tangible results by increased online sales, exposure, growth, and over-all perception of their company or organization. Our customers know that if it can be done online - we can do it here at SayItOnTheWeb, Inc!
We create fully hosted websites that our customers can manage themselves without any programming knowledge. This custom internet programming streamlines any business, and sets us far apart from our competition. You too will see the personal care we place into your custom project from beginning to end, giving you limitless ideas and capabilities to make the internet work for you - making your goals reality while optimizing your budget and your precious time.
Design, Hosting, Unlimited Email
Full Rich E-commerce Set Up From Start To Finish
Php, ASP, Java Script, Databases
Flash Design
SEO (Search Engine optimization)
internet auctions
customer support systems
online communities (like MySpace, LinkedIn)
blogs, message boards, forums
RSS and news feeds
security & financial tools
project management and collaboration systems
online calendar systems
remote digital access
automation command
database systems and reporting
content management - self updating
communication enhancement
subscription management systems
Job Boards
employee interfaces
chat and web message boards
time management development
user management
RSS and Data Feeds
media applications and anything else you can imagine...
Why Host Your Website With Us? All Servers Are Brand New Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad Xeon
Servers include RAID (Disk Mirroring)
100% Fully Guarded
24/7 Technical Staff of Qualified Server Administrators
Impeccably Secure Network - Virus & Spam Protection
PCI Compliance
Virus & Spam Protection
99.98% uptime Premium Multi-Homed Bandwidth
Scalable Linux or Windows Hosting Available
5 Statistical Programs storing data long-term
Unlimited POP3 Email Addresses and Forwards
Remote E-mail Access via Browser
Nightly Server Back-ups
SSL Certificates
Did we mention - 99.98% uptime?
SayItOnTheWeb News:
Simplify Things… Enjoy the freedom of automated billing!
Just go to to securely place your credit card on file for automatic payments to your SayItOnTheWeb account. You can also contact us by phone to set your credit card up with this service… One time and it’s done! SayItOnTheWeb, Inc. accepts all major Credit Cards (Visa, Discover, Master Card, Diner Club, and American Express), check cards as well as personal checks and money orders.
Accepting Credit Cards Online... "I'm looking for a way to sell my goods and services but I do not know how to accept credit cards online."
This same question is asked of us numerous times per day...
The first thing you must do is sign up for a merchant account and gateway service that will allow you to accept live credit card payments online. The best way to get a merchant account is to apply at E-OnlineData. These are the guys we always recommend because they are responsive and give you the fastest, most secure online credit card processing available. There is no cost to apply, but that would be your first step. Click here to get started accepting Credit Cards online >>
